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STY  can be external, internal and cold. It occurs after infectious diseases or in patients with compromised immune system. External sty is an acute purulent inflammation of the fat or sweat gland with the eyelash sac. Patient experiences pain swelling and redness of a certain part of the eyelid, the affected area becomes painful and swollen, the entire eyelid can be affected. A yellow top between the eyelashes, which bursts outside, the pus escapes and the process resolves. After some time the disorder may reoccur.

Internal sty is an acute purulent inflammation of the eyelid cartilage gland. The signs of internal sty are very similar to those of the external sty, however the sty develops inside the eyelid, rather than on the edge. The process lasts longer, enlarged peri-auricular lymph nodes and sometimes fever can be be reported. Skin around the sty area is swollen, reddish, a round-shaped solidification is palpable, the conjunctiva of the internal eyelid side is red, a yellow pus can be visible through the conjunctiva, which usually bursts through the conjunctiva and pain resolves.
The internal sty is a chronic inflammation of the eyelid cartilage gland and the adjacent tissues. When the glandular duct becomes obstructed, granular tissue with the surrounding capsule develops. The cold sty develops slowly. A rigid swell not involving the skin occurs in the eyelid; the skin above the swell is mobile and not reddish. A greyish pink swell is visible from the conjunctiva side. Usually the cold sty grows slowly, however in some cases it can reach the size of a nut.
The sty usually is innocuous disease, which can be treated at home. Application of warm dry compress on the eyelids and instillation of antibiotic drops is recommended. If patient’ condition does not improve within the few days, or it is suspected that the sty can get complicated with an abscess, oral or intramuscular antibiotics and general strengthening treatment is prescribed. A consultation with a physician ophthalmologist is required in such case. A cold sty with an appropriate treatment will resolve spontaneously, however usually a surgery for its removal is required.

Do not delay. Take care of yourself.