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Žalimienė Sandra Rheumatologist
An excellent professional, young physician. Very thorough consultation. We will be pleased to come next time. I would highly recommend the doctor.

Beata Kvaraciejute

Eidziuniene Jurate Rheumatologist
Thank you, dear doctor, for a very thorough examination and consultancy performed professionally and attentively, and for referring me for treatment to Doctor Kestutis Linkus. Thanks to you, I had treatment and my health is improving every day. I saw a rheumatologist and a paediatrician and had physiotherapy in England, but they were unable to give me a precise diagnosis and to prescribe appropriate treatment. I was in despair. You were my last hope and I am very pleased that I visited you. Thank you for your care, attention, help and your precious time.

Rasa Soloy