Skubi šeimos gydytojo konsultacija nuotoliu! Atsisiųskite programėlę uhealth

With age, physiological changes in the lens of the eye develop. It hardens and changes the breaking power more and more. Presbyopia is a condition where your short distance vision begins to deteriorate. These physiological changes occur from about 40 to 50 years of age.

Eyesight or contact lenses improve vision. The disadvantage is that the patient becomes dependent on spectacles, often a few pairs in order to see different distances. As eyesight continues to deteriorate, stronger glasses are prescribed after a few years. Contact lenses are not well tolerated by everyone, especially the elderly. Eye drops used with lenses dry the eyes even more.

Patients who already have a single focal lens due to some vision problems also become dependent on additional optical correction with glasses when working between close and mid-ranges.

For those who are unwilling or unable to wear glasses for various reasons, modern medicine offers a solution – presbyopia surgery. During surgery, a new generation of multi-focal intraocular lens is implanted, which provides good vision for near, far and mid-ranges, eliminating the need for glasses.

The operation is simple, using very small increments of 1-2 mm. The surgery takes about 30 minutes. Operative trauma is minimal, good vision is restored within days after surgery.

About presbyopia surgery, read HERE

Do not delay. Take care of yourself.