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Breast lift surgery is a solution for women whose breasts have dropped and lost shape due to their size, reduced elasticity, fat loss over the years, weight loss, postpartum or other causes. 

At the Center, we perform breast lift operations with or without implants.
We use only certified silicone or physiological fluid implants from reputable manufacturers.

Breast lift surgery is recommended if:

  • the breasts are large and have dropped,
  • the breasts have lost their firmness and elasticity.

In our Center, several plastic-aesthetic operations can be performed at the same time for maximum effect, thus avoiding anaesthesia.

Cost of breast lift surgery

The cost of breast lift surgery includes consultation by a plastic and reconstructive surgery physician, breast echoscopy and laboratory tests required before surgery, surgery and any additional post-operative measures (such as the bra after breast surgery), catering (from day 2).

Duration – 30-60 minutes
  • Health status is assessed

  • Expectations are discussed, surveys are performed

  • Modelling future outcome

  • The most appropriate solution is recommended

  • Duration – 30-60 minutes.

Breast echoscopy examination

Duration – 30-60 minutes
  • Health status and possible complications are assessed.
  • Duration – 30-60 minutes.

Breast lift surgery using implants with general anaesthesia

Duration – up to 3 hours
  • The effect is visible after 3-4 weeks.

  • Only certified implants are used

  • Duration – up to 3 hours.

  • You will spend 24 hours at the clinic.

Breast lift surgery without implants with general anaesthesia

Duration – up to 3 hours
  • The effect is visible after 3-4 weeks.

  • Duration – up to 3 hours.

  • You will spend 24 hours at the clinic.

What factors affect the price?

The prices indicated below apply to citizens of the Republic of Lithuania and the European Union.
If you are coming from another country please check the price by telephoning or sending an email.

More about prices

What should you know about the surgery?

You should tell your doctor before surgery if:

  • you are allergic to something,
  • if you are taking medicines that affect blood clotting or you have blood clotting problems (including thromboses),
  • you have diabetes and are taking medication,
  • You have been diagnosed with cancer,
  • corticosteroids have been administered in the last 6 weeks,
  • you have an implanted pacemaker,
  • you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant,
  • you have immunosuppression,
  • you feel unwell on the day of the procedure,
  • you have been ill before the procedure (increased temperature, flu, colds),
  • you smoke (recommended not smoking for at least 4 weeks before surgery).
  • General blood count,
  • blood coagulation test (ADTL),
  • electrocardiogram (ECG) with evaluation,
  • blood glucose test,
  • other tests if you have a chronic illness and have been prescribed by your doctor.

The patient can bring their test records from other healthcare institutions, or they may have them done at the Medical Diagnostic and Treatment Centre. The tests take 2 hrs. Prices of the tests performed at the Centre. The tests must be performed no earlier than 14 days before the surgery.

Breast surgery will be carried out under general anaesthesia. 
Each surgery is tailored to the patient, taking into account the shape of the breasts, the degree of reduction and the woman's wishes. If the breasts are small, the shape of the breasts can be corrected by using a drop-shaped, or "anatomical", silicone implant, by incision around the nipple areole, while removing excess skin. The location of the nipple may be slightly modified, the volume of the breast enlarged and there is only a scar  around the nipple.
If the breasts are bigger, an anchor or inverted T-shaped incision is made. This incision allows the removal of a larger amount of skin and the breast gland in the lower breast pole. After surgery, there is a scar around the areola, vertically down from it and in the crease beneath the breast.

During surgery, the site of the nipple and the areola are changed by lifting them upwards and removing excess skin in the lower part of the breast. As the wound is sutured, the contour of the breast is raised and the breast looks more youthful.

After the operation, the breasts are covered with a special bandage and the patient wears a special kind of bra. 

After the operation you will spend 1-3 days in our clinic under the supervision of medical staff. After all plastic-aesthetic surgeries, there is often some degree of pain which can be treated with medication. The sutures are usually removed 1-2 weeks after surgery.
Your doctor will arrange the date and time of your next visit.
You will be able to resume daily, non-physical activity 5-7 days after surgery. We recommend that you do not do active physical activity less than 8 weeks after surgery. You will also need to wear a special bra for 4-6 weeks day and night. After 6 weeks you will wear the bra only at night and/or during physical activities.
If you come from abroad, you will discuss all the details (when you can take a flight and what post-operative care is needed) together with your doctor after the surgery.
We do not issue sick leave certificates after aesthetic surgeries, therefore, if you are not going back to work immediately after the surgery, you should plan to schedule your post-operative period as a holiday.

Recommendations for the first 2-3 weeks after surgery:

  • do not lift heavy objects,
  • walk slowly around the room at least 6 times a day, 
  • rest more, avoid getting colds, 
  • sleep on your back,
  • In the shower: you can take off the bra while you shower, wash with lukewarm water, ask someone to help you in the shower (as you cannot lift your hands high), no need to remove the patches, it is alright if they get wet, 

Lymphatic drainage procedures help you recover faster after surgery -–you will feel uncomfortable stretching and the swelling will reduce more quickly.
Protect your post-operative scar from direct sunlight for at least 6 months to minimize scarring.
If the breasts are small, there will be smaller post-operative scars.
Some patients may require repeated surgery due to minimal irregularities in breast shape or size, or nipple position.

Not recommended for the first 2-3 weeks: 

  • moving your elbows behind your back, raising your hands suddenly, pushing, pulling, doing sudden movements with your hands (getting out of bed, etc.), you should only raise your arms to shoulder level. Due to the restriction of hand movements, your back and neck may feel numb,
  • Combing or washing your hair yourself,
  • Pressing or otherwise moving the operated site,
  • driving a car (at least 7 days).

After breast surgery, we recommend periodic breast examination -–mammologist consultation, echoscopy, mammography examinations at least once every 2 years, even if you have no complaints or do not feel any symptoms of concern.
It is possible to breast feed after breast lift surgery, and all women should undergo routine diagnostic tests –sonography, momography. The implant should be reported to the physician prior to the examination to allow the practitioner to objectively evaluate the results.
Breast lift surgery may change the shape of the implants, so it is recommended that the implants be replaced approximately every 10 years.

  • when breast cancer is identified as a health hazard,
  • in the case of viral diseases, infections (surgery can be scheduled after full recovery),
  • high blood pressure (the risk to the surgery is assessed by your doctor).
Checklist for patients prior to blood tests
deco round
4 reasons 

To choose us

  • Consultation and research – within 1 day. 
  • We can have surgery the same week or the next week after the initial consultation. 
  • Hospital infection rate is 0 over 5 years.
  • Surgeries are performed by the most experienced doctors in Lithuania.


Romanova-Paskevic Jelena
Romanova-Paskevic Jelena

Plastic and reconstructive surgeon

  • language LT, EN, RU, PL, BY
  • Working hours


Do not delay. Take care of yourself.